Similar to Amazon in North America, Southeast Asia boasts its own e-commerce platform—Shopee. Operated by the Singaporean IT company SEA Group, Shopee has rapidly evolved into the leading e-commerce platform in the region since its launch in 2015. Originating in Singapore, Shopee responded to the surge in online purchasing driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, expanding its footprint to South America. With Southeast Asian markets gaining prominence due to increased consumer purchasing power and internet penetration, Shopee stands out as an appealing choice for sellers eyeing global marketplaces.
While Amazon sees a higher proportion of purchases made through PCs, Shopee concentrates on mobile transactions. What sets Shopee apart in other aspects?
How Shopee Differs from Amazon in Sellers’ Shops?
“The badge, the tag.”
Bestseller, Amazon’s Choice, Preferred Seller, Mall:
Amazon awards badges like ‘Bestseller‘ and ‘Amazon’s Choice‘ to exceptional listings that are applicable only to individual listings rather than the entire brand. In contrast, Shopee designates badges such as ‘Mall‘ and ‘Preferred Seller‘ to ‘Shops,’ equivalent to brand stores on Amazon. Sellers meeting the criteria gain a competitive advantage as their listings receive prime visibility when customers search for products. Achieving ‘Mall Seller and ‘Preferred Seller’ badges is crucial, considering the dedicated account exposure on the main page and the significance customers attach to these badges.
Unlike Amazon’s selective granting of badges, Shopee’s ‘Mall‘ and ‘Preferred Seller‘ badges have more accessible requirements. While obtaining these badges enhances market competitiveness, failing to secure them may become an obstruction to meant-to-be sales.
To qualify for ‘Preferred Seller’ and ‘Mall Seller,’ certain conditions must be met. For ‘Preferred Seller’ status, sellers must fulfill criteria that label them as ‘reliable sellers’ endorsed by Shopee.

*Shopee Preferred Seller requirements
Once all requirements are met, sellers can be registered as Preferred Sellers. This status grants them top exposure, accessibility to dedicated advertising programs, and access to promotional tools. Besides Preferred Sellers, there is a higher tier of it, called ‘Preferred+ Seller‘ which requires stricter criteria to adhere to! On the other hand, an ‘Official Mall‘ seller is a brand company recognized by Shopee. To attain ‘Official Mall‘ status, sellers must first register their brand.
Unlike Amazon’s trademark rights application process, Shopee allows brand registration upon demonstrating national brand existence. While brand registration and operation are free, becoming an Official Mall in Malaysia requires prove of certain performance criteria. Sellers can also achieve Official Mall status by adhering to Shopee’s listing regulations, such as refraining from uploading logos, colored backgrounds, or promotional information to images. Being an Official Mall entitles sellers to a red ‘Mall‘ badge on their listings, certifying them as official sellers. Importantly, only genuine products can be sold, and sellers must meet additional obligations like accepting 100% returns within 15 days.

*Shopee Mall Seller Requirement
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