Here are six simple steps to ship your goods from China to Malaysia via our LCL solution
Step 1:
Contact us to register your account, providing your company name, address, contact person, and phone number. Once your account is registered, we will assign a unique shipping marking to identify your goods. We will also share our warehouse addresses in Guangzhou and Yiwu, China.
Step 2:
You can make payments to your suppliers and arrange for them to deliver the goods to our warehouse. We offer a pay-on-behalf service to your clients as well; please inquire about the associated charges.
Step 3:
Ensure that your suppliers write or affix your assigned shipping marking on the surface of every package and carton box. This marking is crucial for identifying your shipment when it arrives at our warehouse. Please note that without the shipping marking, our warehouse will reject and return the goods.

sample of shipping marking

Step 4:
Upon the arrival of your goods at our warehouse, we will notify you. When your goods are ready to be loaded, we will issue an invoice for billing. If you wish to palletize or use wooden reinforcement to reduce the risk of parcel damage, we can provide a quote based on your cargo’s size and weight.
Step 5:
After receiving your payment, we will proceed to load your shipment into a 40ft HC container and send it to Malaysia. We handle all customs paperwork and permits for a smooth process.
Step 6:
We will deliver the cargo to your doorstep, keeping in mind that our delivery service only covers ground-level drop-offs. Please note that we do not move goods inside your premises or deliver above ground floor levels. Additionally, for heavy goods, you should have the necessary manpower on standby to assist with moving the cargo.
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